I feel FOMO even though I’m in what was once considered the “sexy job of the 21st century”. Hal Varian once said, “The sexy job in the next 10 years will be statisticians. People think I’m joking, but who would’ve guessed that computer engineers would’ve been the sexy job of the 1990s?” (Read 2012 article by DJ Patil, first Chief Data Scientist of the White House).
So, that 2009 video aged well! Data Science has been pretty sexy IMO.
But next 10 years belongs to AI, which doesn’t have as much to do with statistics as it does to algorithms, LLMs, exc.
If you already feel outdated in your skillset, welcome to tech. Nothing’s changed - your sexy job will be replaced in 10 years if you don’t keep up.
But hey, at least XGBoost still beats DL on tabular data, and no LLM is going to change that without using XGBoost in the background.